The sponsors below have made donations to our charity fund for the Library of Laos:
The development and implementation of a wide variety of programs is our ongoing work that never ends. This is fundamental to getting the most out of the buildings and promoting shared dreams of a brighter future for Lao and Vietnamese working side by side with Americans.

Sivilary Sopha of the National Library of Laos and their mobile Reading and Puppet Caravane
The brainchild of Mike Meyer of Operation Uplift and the VFW Foundation, the plan is to bring retired and semi-retired professionals and trades people to the libraries for career days and mentoring in their fields. Specifically, We will bring our proven program to Laos . As we develop our relationship with Lao Medical Centers, the opportunity exists to get medical professionals to the libraries.
Project Renew, a landmine and UXB removal project of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, will be placing displays and periodicals educating on these hazards in the libraries. Also, they hold periodic safety classes, which may use these facilities. We will be adding information from other sources as well.
Resources and tutoring in English are offered. We have Lao volunteers educated in teaching English as a foreign language, who are interested in going back to teach English with some new language learning techniques. We will use DV-Ds in English with Lao subtitles in songs sung by Lao children for teaching. Some of the songs include 'Ten Little Indians," "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean, and 'Skip to My Lou" to name just a few.
Our librarians will be learning Information Technology. This sort of thing is common. Since we include computers in the initial outfitting of the libraries, the next step will be to encourage IT classes at the Library Sites. IT and English are the 2 golden keys to the future.
Laos has a traveling puppet show reading promotion program that we hope learn from, expand upon and bring to Viet Nam . As in our Vietnam libraries, we will bring dances and musicians to play from time to time improving on this splendid idea we will aid in developing entertainment programs for weekends, to include music and story telling.
One-day seminars on health and social issues are a part of the community support component. We hope to follow our example from Vietnam here of preparing pamphlets on legal issues for the average citizen. One is on Marriage and Family Law. We are arranging to get this series placed in a separate legal bookshelf we will feature at our libraries. Career opportunities and continuing education courses in the trades, agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry are part of our larger plan for which we have received the valued advice and support of local officials have endorsed.
We plan on having a vehicle for the moving of library resources between our facilities and outlying satellite outlets. Government agencies and private individuals and organizations will donate day old newspapers and periodicals that win he circulated throughout the provinces. In many cases this will mark the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY such information has been available.